Coleman’s piece

Mark Coleman tries to appeal to whomever is curious as to what is bottled water doing to our society today. He appeals to the public with the use of pathos and logos but rarely uses it in the context. Coleman tries to get the attention of the public by giving them a statisctic that seems unreal to an individual such as I. With that she tries to coers the public that bottled water isn’t all to good for the American economy. He gives the example of the town Fryeburgand ever since the start of the water-extraction business the city has gotten no return since the business doesn’t contribute to the town’s long term economic welfare. This is his example of pathos since it tries to show how even though water might be considered good it could be destrucitve for others since most of the water extraction businesses are privatly owned and see no reason to share their wealth with others from their own community. He also gives an example trying to compare bottled water and tap water with Foie gras and chopped liver. This is a somewhat alright comparison since one is more fancy than the other. Coleman had the right idea towards the argument, but he needed stronger points.

Michael’s piece

The audience that Michael is appealing to should be everyone who is interested in looking into his article since it is about race and diversity. He starts off with a qoute from F Scott Fitzgerald which says ” The rich are different from you and me” which another person ( Ernest Hemingway) critics by saying the only difference between the rich and the poor is the money. This is important because that is where Michael starts to show how differences between people shouldn’t be something that one disowns and in turn should be appreciated and accepted. Michael appeals to the public with a great deal of logos and also ethos. The logos he uses are the many examples that he presents such as the great gatsby, the medical school of UC, and how the upper class and middle class are different from one another if they are. All of these points are examples of logos because it tries to reason with the reader that it should not matter whether or not you are black or white or if you are rich or poor as long as you are yourself. The example which includes the medical school in the Uneversity of Carolina is a great one because it shows that instead of a black man being supposedly discriminated it is the other way around. In the end the court ruled that the university was only looking out for its diverse poplation and wanted to expand it more which is why the white guy, Bakke, was not granted the chance to go to that certain school. The arguement preseneted here is a good one because it is written by a person who has done this type of writting before. Also the sources that he uses in the paper are of good quality and are used in a way that strenghtens his arguement even more.

Response post on Bittman

The audience that this article is trying to appeal to is the american public. Bittman tries to sway the reader to agree with his arguement which is, the relationship between the people of society and food intake over the year has changed. He goes about this with all three of the tools that are used in order to present the argument. The one that sticks out the most in this paper is pathos. Bittman uses many types of scare tactics such as people becoming obese or developing diseases such as dibetes or even losing their life. With this he shows how the american population has changed their relation with food from eating normal foods such as bread and things of the sort to fast food and greasy foods, which in turn gives them the diseases in the long run such as diabetes. Another way that Bittman tries to persuade the reader is with ethos. He does this by giving examples of how credible people have changed the realtion of food by giving them recipes to make exotic foods such as old-style french foods or european dishes. All of these individuals such as Paul Bocuse, Alice Waters, and Jean-Georges Vongerichten helped the population to gain more of an appreciation for food, and therefore giving them more drive to change their food habits from poor to healthy with better food ingredients. Bittman also states that by changing our food habits we can give more to others who need the food more than us rather than wasting it by throwing it to the garbage or by gorging. I think that this arguement is not a good one because it has no clear point to it. It also needs to have better supporting ideas to whatever the arguement is about. The one good thing that it does is that it gives a strong emotional tie at the end by saying.. [Perhaps just in time, we’re saying, “hold the shake,” and looking for something more wholesome.]

Rhetorical Analysis of my paper

This paper was lacking a strong argument and had very little points or arguments to back it up. This paper needed to have more structure to it because the sentences were very unclear and repetitive. This was a problem since there needs to be a clear argument in order to present which movie is the best. Another thing that the paper lacked was the three full pages that was required for the paper. The paper also needed to use more of pathos,logos, and ethos within the paper to make it better and to give it more power in order for the arguement to stand. I believe that I need to work on my writing skills more so then the next paper can come out better and have more structure to it for others to understand it more and get what I am trying to show the reader.

Goodstein: More Religion, but Not the Old-Time Kind

I belive that the audience that she is trying to appeal is the entire religious community. She speaks a lot about different types of religions and how they affect each of their own followers. It also speaks of how religion is taking a much bigger part in everything that goes around the world such as politics. THe one type of religion that the author speaks of the most is called Pentecostalism. The author describes how this religion is the fastest growing one out of all the other mini sub-religions that have been growing these past couple of years. One proffesor from the University of Chicago Divinity School said, “If I were to buy stock in global Christianity, I would buy it in Pentecostalism.” The type of persuasion that this author uses within the article is ethos. She tries to appeal to the public or the crowd that she is writting to with a logical explanation to why and how Pentecostalism is growing and why it is considered one of the biggest religions. Also she has examples of how religion impacts the world today. An example would be when a leader was helped into office by a group of religious followers from the Islamic groups in Indonesia. I believe that this arguement is a reliable one because it shows valid points as to why religion is becoming a bigger force in the world. It also gives great examples of things that have happened around the world because of religion.

Rhetorical Analysis

The purpose of this music video is to entertain the audience with it vulgar and simplstic words. All the video talks of is what a certain zombie wants to do to his friend tom. I beleive that whatever message that this music video is trying to give has no real purpose.